13439195 243381369379200 5972732206562313673 n TED THOMPSON. In his new uniform 100 years ago. He is off to Northern Counties School for the Deaf Newcastle.
IMG 1432 EDWARD THOMPSON (TED) and MIRIAM CHAPPELL on their wedding day
IMG 0392 TED and MIRIAM THOMPSON at family wedding
7090DE9C-C81E-4484-B3AA-DF0E5B215F85 TED THOMPSON walking his elder daughter MIRIAM (mim) down the isle 3 9 1966.
13653008 248427195541284 4716986537172671512 o TEDS SIX CHILDREN 2015
Teds second youngest son and namesake Edward George
What a handsome man!
IMG 6925
IMG 5995 Miriam with her dad Ted Thompson
IMG 5842 Miriam Thompson nee Chapelle holding William Ted and her youngest grandchild ??
TED and MIRIAMS six children on the 3 9 2016 celebrating a golden wedding of elder daughter mim and jeff.
NIAMH FINNIGAN TEDS great grand daughter helped by all her cousins fundraising for meningitis now
IMG 3045 FAYE ALVI MORIA MORAN DOT JOHNSON AND MIM DAVIES. MOIRA like TED was deafened as a baby with meningitis. FAYE is MORIAS daughter and DOT and MIM are TEDS daughter. THREE qualified interpreters for the DEAF.
miriam and jeff davies celebrating their golden wedding and supporting meningitisnow! 3 9 1966 - 39 2016
beautiful Christmas fairies! Thanks to Mim to remember my grandad and raise more pennies forTed